Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What I did this weekend.

The kiddies couldn't decide between Shopholic and Coraline, so we ended up with this. It was OKAY of a movie, can't really justify paying 9 bucks for it (can you believe matinee was 9 whole bucks per person?), but it was fun watching the kids laugh out loud whenever Paul Blart sat on someone.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cream Puffs Anyone?

After almost two weeks of Chinese New Year celebrations (my family celebrates the entire month), we went to Beard Papa's after dim sum yesterday and got a dozen to share --
The best part is watching the dude poke the fresh baked puffs into the machine thingy and filling it with creamy goodness. Mm. My. Gawd.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Life as a Grocery Shopper

I feel like I spend my life going to various grocery stores to buy various foods for the people who live in my house, i.e. my family.  And I do this every week.  And somehow it all runs out by the end of the week.  Really exciting.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reasons to Watch the Superbowl

Apparently, if you watched the Superbowl on Sunday, you'd know that Denny's is giving away a FREE Grand Slam Breakfast today:2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2 sausages, and 2 pancakes!

Nicole, we should write at Denny's today. One order of Grand Slam could feed us and the kids, AND count as a business expense!