Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pregnant Bumps

Nicole and I are gearing up to shoot the first few episodes of 'The Nanny Interviews' and we're looking for a couple of pregnant bumps. I tried forming one out of a pillow, but it looked weird. My kids' stuffed animals didn't work either...and a colander is too fake. What do I have to do? Sneak into a Motherhood and steal their pregnant belly pillows from their dressing rooms?

Friday, September 25, 2009

We're Baaaaack!

Or better titled - "Ideas: The Bane of All Writers"Just because we haven't been blogging doesn't mean we haven't been writing. The problem is being organized enough to take one idea at a time and develop it. Every time we want to focus on our current project, other ideas for other projects seem to pop up in our heads.


So many ideas. So little time...and sanity.