Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Filming of 'The Nanny Interviews' shall resume when our producer gets a new living room. No, seriously, it caved in just days before the shoot.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Writer Looking for Boxes

I suggested an idea for a scene that requires many, many large brown boxes. Why many and why large? Because it was funny. Nicole loved it. But now I find myself sneaking to my kids' school's trash bin to steal their tossed out furniture boxes. And I got a nasty paper cut. I wonder if Peter Jackson ever had to pilfer his own props.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pregnant Bumps

Nicole and I are gearing up to shoot the first few episodes of 'The Nanny Interviews' and we're looking for a couple of pregnant bumps. I tried forming one out of a pillow, but it looked weird. My kids' stuffed animals didn't work either...and a colander is too fake. What do I have to do? Sneak into a Motherhood and steal their pregnant belly pillows from their dressing rooms?

Friday, September 25, 2009

We're Baaaaack!

Or better titled - "Ideas: The Bane of All Writers"Just because we haven't been blogging doesn't mean we haven't been writing. The problem is being organized enough to take one idea at a time and develop it. Every time we want to focus on our current project, other ideas for other projects seem to pop up in our heads.


So many ideas. So little time...and sanity.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time Warner's not cutting it

I'm really frustrated that for almost a couple years now my writing partner and I have to suffer from Time Warner's crappy internet service.  When we first starting working together almost three years ago we were using ichat and it worked great.  Then after about a year it suddenly just stopped working for us (though it still works when the hubs ichats his family in UK--note that his family are not on Time Warner).  Then we switched over to Skype, which was working for about another year and a half, then about six months ago both Skype AND our phones started working really erratically.  Today is one of those days where Skype's not working, so we'll have to use our phones to work, which is an inferior way to work.  After doing MUCH TROUBLESHOOTING on this and talking to other Time Warner customers who have experienced the same problems, it's clear what's happening:  the demand for more bandwidth has increased and Time Warner has not met that demand.  We are doing more and more things online (like streaming videos etc) and Time Warner is not providing us with the proper bandwidth to do those (basic) things, and yet still charging us and arm and a leg for their shoddy service.  I'm looking for solutions here people and haven't found any yet...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Self-Centered Me

Dana pointed out to me that all my posts are about me in some way.

My Mind is a Vacuum

I feel like Dana and I have no short term memory.  I'm talkin we can't even remember what we were talking about when Skype quits out on us and we resume.  My excuse is breastfeeding, Dana, what's yours?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What I did this weekend.

The kiddies couldn't decide between Shopholic and Coraline, so we ended up with this. It was OKAY of a movie, can't really justify paying 9 bucks for it (can you believe matinee was 9 whole bucks per person?), but it was fun watching the kids laugh out loud whenever Paul Blart sat on someone.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cream Puffs Anyone?

After almost two weeks of Chinese New Year celebrations (my family celebrates the entire month), we went to Beard Papa's after dim sum yesterday and got a dozen to share --
The best part is watching the dude poke the fresh baked puffs into the machine thingy and filling it with creamy goodness. Mm. My. Gawd.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Life as a Grocery Shopper

I feel like I spend my life going to various grocery stores to buy various foods for the people who live in my house, i.e. my family.  And I do this every week.  And somehow it all runs out by the end of the week.  Really exciting.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reasons to Watch the Superbowl

Apparently, if you watched the Superbowl on Sunday, you'd know that Denny's is giving away a FREE Grand Slam Breakfast today:2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2 sausages, and 2 pancakes!

Nicole, we should write at Denny's today. One order of Grand Slam could feed us and the kids, AND count as a business expense!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

LA Golden Dragon Parade

This is my first post--i'll no longer be a blog-posting-virgin.  So....some of our friends and their kids want to go to the Chinese New Year parade in Downtown this weekend and it looks awesome from the pics I've seen.  I said I would go already--how wonderful to give our just-turned-3 son such a cultural experience like that, but based on past experiences of taking him to museums and other events where I had to contain him and not let him run and play and it actually ended up being a quite miserable experience for both him and I, I'm having second thoughts now.....but it LOOKS so cool...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paging Virgin Blogger

Um, Nicole, you're suppose to post HERE, not in the comment section.

Anyhoo, I think Nicole wanted everyone to know that it's official...

She has bunions:Eww.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Post

So why have we decided to start a blog? Well, after our two hours of working today, we realized we actually amaze each other.

Nicole, you amaze me.
